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Burritos with Benefits®

About Rewards

Getting some free burrito action has never been easier

For every dollar you spend, earn one rewards point. After 100 points, you’ll get a free burrito. Seriously, we’d never mess around on you.

Login Or Sign Up

Log In

Already a Rewards member? Log in and transfer your points to the app.

Download the Rewards App

Download the Rewards App on the App Store Get the Rewards App on Google Play

Questions about benefits?

Does it cost anything to join?

Nope – The app is completely free to download (and won't cost you data if you use our free in-store WIFI) and the program is free to use as well.

Where do I download the app?

The Burritos with Benefits Rewards app is available on both the Android and Apple app stores. You can find it by searching "Pancheros".

How many points do I have to earn until I receive my free stuff?


What is the conversion of points to dollars?

1 to 1. 1 point = $1. Math is hard. This is easy.

I’m not able to redeem my points for a burrito, what gives?

You may have a problem with your app or your account. Contact marketing@pancheros.com and we'll help you get to the bottom of this.

Anything I buy at Pancheros earns me points towards free food, eh?

Everything but Gift Cards and alcoholic beverages. Please drink and earn responsibly.

Does Burritos With Benefits mean I can only redeem my points for a burrito?

Of course not. You can get any of our five main menu items when you reach 100 points.

I used to have a card, but I lost it, where can I get another one?

Rewards card? We don't use no stinking rewards card. We've got an app for that now. You can download it at an app store.

How do I earn points if I forget my phone?

What kind of person doesn't have their phone on them literally at all times?! But, no fear, just save your receipt and take a picture of the barcode using the app when you find your phone.

I gave you some of my contact info, why do you need that?

Your information is collected to confirm that you are you. No funny business. We may send you emails from time to time, but you can easily choose to opt-out of these after receiving one.

What if I don't have a smartphone?

You can still partcipate in our rewards program.

  1. Ask for a receipt after your purchase.
  2. Enter the information from the receipt on our website after logging in to your account.
  3. When you have a reward ready to redeem, you can print off the QR code or bring the 7 digit pin in to the restaurant and give that to the person at the register.
